"GoldenPowerPlus.....stallion is on it, dog is on it, old ponies are on it and I’m on it !! I can get up off the floor unaided !! I’m walking the dogs for longer and further, I can pick up my own horse feed again....ridiculous things but all things I haven’t been able to do for ages !!!!! I feel so much better. I can’t recommend this stuff enough. My aches which were similar to sciatica are all but gone, I sleep like a log, my hot flushes aren’t as aggressive and because I can do more again I have lost 9lbs now...I feel so much better !!! Amazing stuff....amazing!"
Delyth Gamlin Brown, Derbyshire
"100% recommend this product! No leg pain since taking it!"
Diane Brown, Auldearn


"I am a new person! So much pain has disappeared, and I can see visible outward evidence as my hands and wrists are no longer anything like as swollen. I am moving more freely, and I feel so much more positive about my future. I cannot thank you enough for sharing your knowledge....I am happy to fully endorse the capsules! Gut is working better than it has done for years! Sleep has improved, I am sleeping deeper, and for longer without waking. All in all, I cannot in all sincerity thank you enough - you have made a significant improvement to my quality of life, no doubt about it!"
Christine Ross, Lossiemouth


"It has 'cured' my IBS, I have loads more energy, no more restless legs at night, and my 69 year old mother no longer has to take painkillers before mucking out each morning! Fantastic stuff. ...Got to say you have changed my life - thank you! Don’t ever stop making it xx"
Kate Broughton, Llanybydder
"I was diagnosed (by Xray) with progressive Arthritis in my shoulder last year. I started to take GoldenPowerPlus, having had real results with it on an older horse. All Human grade so worth a try? I started to take one capsule, once daily and built up to two twice daily, then adjusted to one twice a day - this level works for me. Physio appointment has gone from once a fortnight to once a month, I go again next week (first in 6 weeks!) I take 3-5 days 'off' ' each month, so as to never plateau, and this way I know that it isn't a placebo. When start to 'feel' the joint again, within 3-5 days, I start back with the capsules!"
Stuart Henman, Norfolk

"I have used GoldenPowerPlus on my Dogs with amazing results... I have been taking your GoldenPowerPlus capsules for a while now and cannot recommend them highly enough.... I have a gammy knee (diagnosed by my GP as meniscal tears or cartilage damage) - I was given pain killers & anti inflammatories and they took the edge off ... I was in so much pain with every step I took ... I started taking your GPP capsules and was totally blown away. After 2 days I was feeling so much better, I was walking without a limp and able to climb ladders (part of my job) without pain... Love your capsules!"

Lesley Beaton, Moray


"I can't believe how different I feel. I have way more energy and the pain in my ankle joints I had each morning I got out of bed has gone!! ... I've found that my legs aren't hot in bed at night now or restless and the hot flushes have almost disappeared. All this within a week!!"

Mrs Jayne Edge, Tweedsmuir

Jayne sent us an update a few weeks later:

 "This is without doubt a fantastic supplement. I have so much energy, I'm not sure what to do with it all!! Sleeping so much better at night too and just loving life! I've got Hubby on them too and he is amazed at how much energy he has. He has been suffering with arthritis in his knee for years, but couldn't believe how much better that is now. He can now kneel down to do things, without feeling crippled later! We both feel like new people!!"


"I have seen real improvements in my joint pain, this supplement is amazing".

Hazel Baillie, Moray


 “I’ve been taking the Golden Power Plus capsules every day and I feel great! I’ve been recommending them to all my patients as I am very impressed! Everyone should be on them in my opinion so thank you!”

Serena Clarke, Senior Massage Therapist, Norfolk.


“The Golden Power Plus has given me really good improvement with my knees. My shoulder is still as stiff (this is to be expected it’s the wrong shape for the socket) but much less painful. By now I have normally booked a physio appointment. Thus far I haven’t felt the need. I have reduced to taking just two
capsules per day which I take in the morning. So not even a high dose. I am delighted and a little bit amazed. I can now go up both flights of stairs in my house without my knees screaming for mercy at the top.”

PWS, Hertfordshire.


"Just wanted to say I’m so chuffed with my GPP caps. After 2 days, I suddenly realised I had more movement in the worst finger and some grip without pain for the first time in ages Thanks!"

L. Beckett, Moray.


"I have to tell you that Doug was “waxing lyrical” about your capsules to friends of ours and they passed on the information to their daughter who was suffering from back pain. She’s absolutely delighted with the outcome so you have another very satisfied customer! Way to go!”

Ann Taylor, Aberdeenshire.


“I thought that the arthritis damage to my hands was permanent but my fingers have actually started to straighten out!”

J MacG, Edinburgh.


"3 days in, and these things are a miracle! I haven't felt this good for about 15 years! Best stuff on the market for arthritis, old injuries such as broken bones, strained muscles and general stiffness. I'm not so much a gazelle, more of a moose, but a much more supple pain free one! Thank you so so much for
putting me on to these. It means so much to get pain free movement back".

Jane Allman


"2 days running now I haven't taken a single type of pain relief. Cannot recommend enough. Horsey people in particular. These are the job!!"

Judi Goor


"Being a keen and active sportsman, I was getting somewhat worried about arthritis creeping up on some finger joints and knees. Rather than take medication and risk the side-effects on my major organs I sought advice from some close friends and circles of influence in the Health Food sector.

"Avoiding certain foods helps, but to get on top of the dastardly disease that was creeping up on me, I started taking antioxidant plant-based supplements – all certified organic of course. 


"Turmeric and Boswellia are well publicised superfoods. But I was unsure about how to use these products in my diet to best effect. There is little point shovelling in spoonfuls of these products without appreciating how they might be absorbed to the full benefit of your body. Most will pass straight through you if they are not in an absorbable format.

"Then I checked out what a customer was doing with some ingredients we supplied and found a “Holy Grail” for arthritis cure. It is called GoldenPowerPlus and provides you with an absorbable cocktail of premium organic plant based natural ingredients with powerful antioxidant powers, all packed into a vegan capsule. Nothing else is added - no bulking or flow agents, no fillers.

I put it to the test and 4 weeks later, other than one finger joint, no arthritis at all. Even that joint is much better and without too much noticeable pain".

David Jack